Organisational Culture Change

Creating and maintaining a positive culture is a challenge that needs constant attention and nurturing.

The Cultural Balancing Act

Whether you have a strong culture or concerns about it, it can only take a small change to disrupt the status quo of your organisation. In many cases, particularly in larger organisations, opinions of cultural health can differ dramatically depending on where an individual sits within the org chart.

Organisational culture is no longer something that can be given cursory attention. For an organisation to succeed, cultural behaviours must be modelled from the top. Knowledge of the building blocks of culture can therefore put you in a strong position to maintain and nurture positive behaviours that keep a culture thriving.

Diagnosis and Planning for Change

Our aim is to make sure that your culture is the vehicle through which your strategy is successfully implemented. That being the case, it is important to know what the existing culture is and why it is. Our objectivity is key in being able to draw out feelings and opinions from stakeholders. Alongside observation and dialogue, we use a variety of analytical tools to enable a sound diagnosis of your culture. We consider past organisational actions that have influenced the culture, the dynamics among senior management, leadership behaviours, and reflections on the present culture and the desired future culture among employees.

This enables us to clearly report what your culture truly looks like, where ingrained behaviours have come from, what areas have the greatest impact on the culture, and what the ideal future looks like to enable organisational harmony. This is not a matter or bowing to popular opinion but being able to align your culture to your future direction. Working with IntrinsiaVet will enable you to understand yourself as a leader, take an elevated view of your organisation from a cultural perspective, and create an achievable change project to authentically achieve the culture you want.


Your Guide to Culture Change

We all know the importance of culture to organisational success. But how do you create positive, long-lasting change? Our free E-booklet will give you critical insights into the culture change process, as well as 8 steps to follow to initiate change in your own organisation.

Learn expert models to facilitate culture change

Learn a tried and tested culture change process

Learn how to put theories into practice

Ready to Get Started?

To have a confidential conversation about where you think your culture is and where you would like it to be, please get in touch.