Leadership Development

Creating lasting, positive change to your organisation.

Tailored Design

We take a different approach to your leadership development. We don’t just develop leaders; we develop leaders for your organisation. Every element is tailored, with your strategic priorities and goals as the desired outcome. From the beginning we spend time getting to know and understand your organisation – your strategy, your culture, and your leaders. By identifying your leadership needs and the leadership capabilities of your managers from the outset, we know where they need to develop, what they need to focus on, and what the overall objectives are for your leaders. This becomes the foundation of your programme, targeted specifically at your organisation’s unique leaders and unique requirements for leadership development. Through our understanding of your organisation’s strategic priorities, we help your leaders to gain clarity on their own roles, responsibilities, and goals for development; a mutual understanding of where they fit in and what is expected of them. Gaining a thorough understanding of their teams and the key stakeholders in the organisation also enables your leaders to identify future challenges and opportunities, and hone the skills needed to effectively navigate them.

Tailored Delivery

Being lectured on leadership, using hypothetical scenarios and broad principles, will not create change. It may increase someone’s knowledge on the principles, but it does not augment behaviours for the long term or embed the change. Along with this, it is always difficult to create buy-in from your leadership team when the relevance of the learning is somewhat removed from their daily challenges and individual team dynamics.

Therefore, all our programmes use a blended learning approach, including leadership psychometrics, 360 feedback, workshops, and team and individual coaching. Our programmes are also developed to be highly interactive with real life examples and case studies to maximise engagement. Our in-depth knowledge of your organisation also allows us to tailor our programmes to give your leaders opportunities to put learning into action in their real-life work, in a supportive and reflective environment. Real time feedback and continual challenge serves to build both capability and confidence in your leaders and create an environment for continuing development long past the end of the programme.

Ready to Get Started?

To start designing your unique and tailored leadership development programme, or to find out more, please get in touch.