New Entrant M&A

We help you answer critical questions to ensure you have a first-rate M&A strategy.

Expert Market Insight

There is plenty of interest in the veterinary and animal health industry from new entrants, as investors see the market as a solid and future proof investment. Furthermore, with incumbent corporate entities reaching competition thresholds in the veterinary space, there are some unique opportunities for new entrants to buy high performing businesses relatively unopposed. However, there are plenty of examples of new entrants experiencing unnecessary teething problems due to a lack of understanding of the deeper levels of the industry and its idiosyncrasies.

Whether you are acquiring your first veterinary practice or new business within the animal health space, it is vital to fully understand what drives the stakeholders within your acquisition strategy. For example, the service of veterinary care to pet owners is delivered by caring, emotionally driven individuals that often prioritise patient care over profit. Implementing commercial strategies, therefore, needs to be carefully managed and delivered in the context of ultimate benefit to the patient. Conversely, if you’re buying a business in the veterinary software space that is populated by tech enthusiasts, then an emotionally driven approach may be less motivating. It is critical to know what culture you’re buying as well as what business.

Your Trusted Advisor

It is vital to fully understand where you see yourself fitting in this market and what outcomes you are seeking, as this can influence the suitability of an acquisition. As such, having an objective advisor, with expert knowledge of the industry, is critical for new entrants to ensure a smooth acquisition and realise expected returns.

As your trusted advisor we will help you validate your reasons for entry, develop and enhance your strategy for acquisition and align this with your overall business strategy. We will help you establish the criteria for strategic and operational fit based on the business model you are seeking to build. We also research the ownership and competitive landscape in the geographies that interest you, ensuring that it doesn’t trigger any interest from competition authorities. We then turn this into an intelligence driven M&A strategy with solid rationale, clear strategic objectives, and achievable routes to implementation. And because we have been on both sides of the veterinary M&A process, we can act as effective collaborators to ensure a smooth acquisition process.


Supercharge Your Strategy Creation

A good strategy considers multiple perspectives. But to get the best information, you need to ask the right questions. Our checklist on analysing your market will help you ask the right questions in the right areas to give you a well-rounded overview of your new venture.

Gain a holistic view of the industry

Be better prepared to enter the market

Support your strategic planning

Ready to Get Started?

If you’re looking to build an intelligence driven, first rate M&A strategy, then please get in touch.